Day #11: Unpack

Today's date: May 22th

Entry time: 10:00 pm 

Work hours: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Today’s hours: 3H 

All hours: 113H 20M

Today we spent the whole day unpacking our bags and cleaning the gear that we carried throughout the trip. I started by pulling everything out of the bag that I used and wiped down the inside and outside of the bag. With the things that we had each pulled from our bags we made piles of all of the different kinds of gear we had. All of the leftover food we had ended up in a pile as well, so we went through and decided what to store, donate, and throughout. Then I deep cleaned the kitchen gear we brought and gave an extra scrub to anything that needed it. Once we had all of it organized and cleaned the group gear that then went back to its owner. Finally we put all of the clothes and washable gear into the wash to get off all the grime it collected from five days in the woods.


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