Day #12: Final day of the project

Today's date: May 23rd

Entry time: 10:00 am 

Work hours: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Today’s hours: 3H 

All hours: 116H 20M

Since there was not much left to do, today was an easy one. I still had a few more pieces of gear that needed to be cleaned and put away so that is what I spent the majority of my time doing. The rest of the time was spent planning out a bit of the presentation we will peasant on our trip. I learned so many things from Romy and Libby while we were out, not only about hiking and camping but about life. Not everything is going to go as planned but that does not mean that you have failed, it just means you have the chance to try something new. This experience has taught me to appreciate the moments that you have and not to dwell too much in the past or the future. I hope that I can again have an experience such as this where I can learn to be the best version of me.


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