Day #3: Testing


Today's date: May 10th

Entry time: 3:00 pm 

Work hours: 11:00 am - 2:30 pm

Today’s hours: 3H 30M

All hours: 12H 

Our third day has been a short but packed day of little tasks. Today was Libby’s first of 6 days not here, so Romy and I decided to get a bunch done. To start we picked up Libby’s gear from her house and brought it back to mine. From there it was to the training room to talk to Kelly about a time that we could meet to go over how to properly wrap a sprained knee or ankle. She was willing to set up a meeting with us on Friday to go over it all.

Talking to the health center was our next task. We met with them to discuss making a first aid kit out of the supply’s we already have and what they would need to give us. Once that was checked off the list, we spent some time sending emails to Rosanna, Kelly and Sue about what we had discussed with the others. 

 We ended our time by testing the jet boil, both whisper lights, and rain fly for the tent. 


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