Day #4: Finalize


Today's date: May 11th

Entry time: 7:30 pm 

Work hours: 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Today’s hours: 4H 

All hours: 16H 

Day four of our project felt very productive. We kicked it off by meeting with Rosanna at the Outdoor Center to get the last of our supplies; p-cord for a bear hang, a hiking bag for each of us, and a dromedary. On our way back to home base, (my house)we made a quick stop at the health center to arrange a meeting for tomorrow with Sue to put together the rest of our first aid kit. Once Romy and I got back we sprayed the rain fly with waterproofing spray to see if we could stop the leaking.

Lynne, our mentor, joined us part way through to see the progress we have made and help us pull a few things together. She had brought over a bunch of maps for us to use while finalizing our hiking route and we spent most of our time together creating a plan. By the time she left, we had an exact route picked out, mileage for each day decided, and campsites pinpointed.

Lynne suggested that we make our tent seams as waterproof as possible so we set up the tent and went over all the seams with seam-seal so there is absolutely no leakage. So I located the bottle and we got to work coating each stitch. After around an hour and a half Lynne left and that brought our day to a close.


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